Insomnology is my first collection of poems. It is a
constant philosophical reflection that has always accompanied me: spirituality, love, loneliness, urban life, time and death.
Some poems were conceived as postcards or emotional photographs of the drunkenness of a moment.
The book is not a tourist guide. It is a metaphor for the full extent of the journey: our states of mind, heteronomy, nomadic geography, wandering identity (I could never conceive identity as fixed) etc.
The Daily Exception
My second collection of poems. It´s a daily transgression of our ”routine¨. The book is mixture of poetic postcards of remote places on earth, and a tribute to the plazas of my neighborhood in Barcelona.
It´s a rural urban proposal. It is a tribute to the landscapes, and to the individuals who inspired me by proposing new routes, fresh perceptions of reality. It was written in an interval of 6 years.
I spent hours sketching the urban features of my favourite squares, while being revisited by a series of impressions that would give the colour, the final spirit of the square.
Festina Lente
Festina lente is a novel that reproduces a travel diary through several countries (Iran, India, Thailand, Sri Lanka, New Zealand, Samoa, Japan, etc); in parallel, it narrates a fictional story based in Barcelona.
The book is not a tourist guide.
It is a metaphor for the full extent of the journey: our states of mind, heteronomy, nomadic geography, wandering identity (I could never conceive identity as fixed) etc.
The fiction is a reflection of our zeitgeist: urban loneliness, the culture of victimization, infodemic, COVID 19 (and other latent pandemics). The book includes photos of my travels as an intimate support of my wanderings.
On Conception of Insomnology
The maturation process of insomnology was long. Like a long journey whose imminence always lurks, but the departure date never comes.. Slowly we went (the self is a plethora of people: see a backpack full of people) through a series of emotional landscapes, and visited by nomadic ideas.
Insomnology reproduces everything that makes us insomniac in our anxious digital everyday life: The passing of time, the ecocide, the abominable overchoice, the perverse narcissism, the omnipresent declinism, the loss of historical perspective, the urban loneliness, the accelerated globalisation versus nativism.
Insomnology is a snapshot of our zeitgeist taken from different corners (Asia, the Americas, Europe). It is a reflection with proposed readings and itineraries.